Allow me, Lucien Lafayette, BDSM escort from Berlin. Dominant and Queer, Heaven and Hell, Alpha and Omega, Unique and Inhuman, Lord and Master, Master and Mastress, Dominus and Domina, Mistress and Mistress, Lady and Lucifer, Lascivious and Lethal. I am exactly what a life of lust and kink has made of me. And what I can give is to take you there for some time. On a journey into the deepest abysses and highest pleasures of the human soul. Where all our dark desires find fulfillment and every moment becomes unforgettable. I will also make sure that nothing happens to you there that is not good for you and that you return safely. So dare and read on. If you like it, get in touch. If not, then also.
Wanna know more.. follow me on Twitter.

Since I am very proud of my guild and also publicly always stand by my wicked life, I am often asked why I pursue this profession. The answer: “Because I can!” Because BDSM is my life and sharing it is the most meaningful occupation I have ever pursued. Because I can’t master a job that makes people even happier. And most importantly, because it’s not really a job. It’s my culture.
It is the world that I have created and fought for myself and which grows a little further with every evil deed. In my case, it is simply something more than a hobby in the bedroom. And what can you do better than to make your hobby your profession? Make it your life and then make that your job. In my career there was never a moment when I discovered SM for myself. It has been with me longer than I can remember. At the age of 13 I started to explore this world. In the meantime, I look back with satisfaction on 16 years of experience, training and research, I benefit from it every day and I am still eager to meet new play partners.
It is the world that I have created and fought for myself and which grows a little further with every evil deed. In my case, it is simply something more than a hobby in the bedroom. And what can you do better than to make your hobby your profession? Make it your life and then make that your job. In my career there was never a moment when I discovered SM for myself. It has been with me longer than I can remember. At the age of 13 I started to explore this world. In the meantime, I look back with satisfaction on 16 years of experience, training and research, I benefit from it every day and I am still eager to meet new play partners.
more about my life as a sexworker in germanys newspaper: taz.

Emancipation is not a one-way street. That is why I reject heteronormative role models. Gender, social sex, I consider neither as a binary or linear nor social premise but as a personal and individual construction. Thus I unite all that I enjoy in myself, without letting myself be stopped by which physical gender my attributes were once linked to. I am genderqueer, pansexual and far more emancipated than the rest of the male world. Masculine – Feminine – Androgynous – I don’t care! I am the best of everything.
I do not care if you call me master or mistress, the main thing is that you kneel when my name comes to your lips. Your sex is also always welcome, whatever it may be. I have been allowed to be so close to so many people and have such intimate moments with them, as hardly anyone else. And in the moment in which they despair in blushes of shame, whimper for mercy and acceptance, absolutely let themselves fall in torture or totally give up in humility, live out their innermost and look with tearfully faithful eyes into mine; in this moment all people are the same.
Read my own Genderwars-blog AgnderAgenda.de.

& factS
& factS
To my luck and yours, I am blessed with a body that successfully defies the laws of biology. Thanks to hours of beauty care and all kinds of body training comes out at the end purely sports medicine the most adorable mythical creature of Berlin. In numbers, this means:
Almost two meters high. In heels even up to 2.15m. At eye level we are at most when you hang. So you always have to look up to me. And it should never be otherwise.
With a body mass index of 19.3 not underweight but sehing and thin. graceful and strong. The matching divenalüren to this I also have. So also my closet offers only exquisite and tailored fetishwear in all colors, provided it is black.
Almost two square meters of surface measures my body and they are as delicate and pure as they can be. Hair I have about 5 million and every single one of them does exactly what I want. Most of them are epilated and the rest always looks good. Why do I as a Dom put so much emphasis on my pure skin and perfect hair? ‑Because it’s just awesome!
Even though I like to brag less but rather spontaneously surprise, I’ll probably have to write here what I have between my legs. Only I may show him here for reasons of youth protection unfortunately not. So, yes. I have the magic two-zero. In addition, an average diameter of 6.5cm, beautiful symmetrical optics, endurance like an ox and killer stink like the big bad wolf. So for me sex has always been more slaughter than cuddling. But don’t worry: flesh is stretched – not torn open. And even if SM is much more than coitus, I can also like to just bang your soul out for hours.
These are the masses of my fingers and fist. Because even if some would dare to contradict me there, I personally consider my hands the most precise tool to stimulate people into madness. After many years of dedicated research work on the living object, I also find myself quite well in all bodies.
My daily requirement. Yes, I eat for two. No, I’m not pregnant; I have a monster metabolism. Thanks to that, my body doesn’t put on fat, but immediately builds muscle. Everything you see there between the skin and the bones is muscle mass. So even though I don’t look like it, I’ll send anyone to the boards with ease. So if you want to dance.. I’d love to, I’ll lead!

& BeLOveD
& BeLOveD
BDSM, four letters behind which is hidden so much more than you dare to believe when you first enter this world. The official translation is: “Bondage, Dominance, Discipline, Submission, Sadism & Masoshism”.
The true meaning encompasses all that is most primal in us for which, fortunately, there is no room in peaceful life, but which is worth experiencing: The adventure of experiencing the highest ecstasy in the most inhuman depths of the human psyche. A journey into situations from which we draw the most intimate pleasures.
Therefore, I see myself as a tour guide and companion in the soul of man and offer this sense astral body, expertise, experience as well as a boundless dirty and sadistic personality to experience these adventures together. And I love this adventure. I appreciate the humility which gives me everyone who comes under me, I enjoy it and deal with it as he deserves. For all those who long for domination, I am the owner to whom they may surrender body and soul. The counterparts to domination and submission are care and devotion. So I also prefer the scalpel to the battle axe. And whether I am your loving or punishing God depends entirely on whether you have been good or need disciplining. To each what he deserves and is due to him.

gOdS &
BDSM is not a training profession. All is preceded by the first wet dream with which one discovers his inclination. If courage and curiosity come with it, years of thrilling discoveries and developments follow. In the end, the passion and science of one of the most powerful branches of our culture. It is far more than sexual diversion or the mere fetish of a few madmen. It is no less than the teaching of the inhumanity of man. Those who understand it will find even more pleasure and libido in it. Because the inhumanity can lead further than one could follow as a human being. Who finally loses enough to be no more human, receives what he could never experience as a human. Who lets himself be forced and commanded, can do so what he would stand in the way of himself aleine. He who is desired as he is never allowed to be, can be who he sometimes has to be. Who gives up self-determination, self-worth, responsibility, power of decision, opinion and even will and lets the total power of another take their place, finds the simplest state of greatest relaxation.
Those who are so fixated on their owner that everything in life revolves only around an absolute being feel a connection that can be compared to the love of a god. And nobody is closer to his god than the one who licks his boots. So I too have never known anything more precious than the life of another. And I have always possessed and used it with such fulfillment. Only to be closer to him, to touch him more deeply. To see what no one saw before me. The beauty of the facets of man that are so rare.
Thus, one can lose, give away and receive more in one of the most intimate togethernesses than is possible for humans today. Certainly, for some this sounds like overestimation or hubris. But everyone who followed his wet dream to the end, found so many, so beautiful and so important parts of his life that enriched him more widely than any ejaculation ever could. I also use BDSM for therapeutic purposes upon request.

What I can do to you and do with you cannot be put into words that would be allowed to be published on German websites without annoying age verification. That’s why I have to censor the following text accordingly and you can fill the censor bars again with the most frivolous fantasies you can think of:
Your body will be my property. Your Head, your heart, your
and ###########
. Your life will be in my hands. Your skin will be my canvas. Your ##############
wll be my pleasure. Your ###########
will be my amusement. Your #########
and #######
my sextoy. Your mouth will be my ############
, #########
, #########
, ##############
and #########
. ########
. And your pitty slave-##################
will beg me to ########
on my behave on ##############
and lick it off. Disobey once and i ###########
! You will eat, ######
, suck, lick, swallow, or ########
what i want, when i want and just as i command. Suffer what you deserve and learn how to obey, to knwew, to crawl, to ##############
, to #########
and to #########
. You dont know nothing, but my###########
, ########
and ##############
. You will fear my ###############
and ################
, but fall in love with my ###########
and ##############
I will use and abuse you as my #################
, ########
, ########
or #################
. I will transform and train you to be a well-behaved ###########
, sissy-slut, dog, ###########
, human-furniture, ###########
, houseboy, housemaid, ###############
, ashtray or ########
Hardcore Porno mit Lucien Lafayette
Of course there are also a lot of hardcore porn clips from me on the net. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to show or link them on my site for youth protection reasons, but anyone who can use a search engine should be able to find and enjoy them quite quickly. have fun…

Just as little as our fetishes, my offer can not be put into words under novel length, which express what is behind it for us. But here are some genre terms that describe in excerpts what you can experience with me. Everything can, nothing must. Everything consensual, nothing forbidden:
Dressing, Evening Companionship, Analingus, ABDL, Ageplay, Algophilia, AlphaMale, Athem Control, Going Out, Autogynophilia, Fear Play, Alchemyplay, AV, Bastonade, Use, Shaming, BDSM, Biastophilia, Bondage, Breathplay, Nipple Treatment, Bullwhip, Canning, Catplay, CBT, CT, CDNs, Chrematistophilia, cTPE, Cutting, Cuckolding, CockWorship, Degradation, Humiliation, Deprivation, DirtyTalk, Drill, Dildo Play, D/s, Doggyplay, Domination, Ectomorphism, Edging, EL, Electro, Dehumanization, Degradation, Humiliation, Education, Event Visiting, Exhibitionism, FS, Feeding, Feminization, FF, Fisting, Forced(. .), Torture, Flogging, Genderplay, Genderfucking, Sexual Intercourse, Hand Relaxation, Hodophilia, Insult, Cannulation, Catheter, Chastity, Clinic, Clismaphilia, KV, Latex, Long-term education, Living furniture, Leather, Licking slave, House and hotel service, Menage á Trois, Milking, Mummification, NS, Objectification, Omorashi, Online education, Outdoor, Petplay, Pissplay, Public, PP, Predator/Prey, Mind games, Prostate massage, Smoking, Stimulus current, RBP, Cane, Role plays, Sadism, Mental cruelty, Shame Games, Shoe, Boot, Heels, Sneaker, Sock, Nylon, Foot Fetish, Spanking, Spitting, Sissyfication, Slutification, Stockholm Syndrome, SM, Toilet Games, Toilet, Torture, TittTorture, Trampling, TT, Overpowering, Submission, Urinal, Urophagia, Verbal Eroticism, Verbal Humiliation, Rape Games, Seduction, Interrogation, Vomerophilia, Demonstration, Waterboarding, Watersports, Waxing, Wrestling, Choking, Compulsion,. .
..to name only what I am allowed to put in my mouth here according to the law for the protection of minors.All other practices that I may not call public, but exercise on you, I also offer almost all.So just write me and ask if you should miss something.

& COin
& COin
I love this job.The more I hate inferior work.Therefore, I like to take my time for my people and their submission and not hampele through half-hearted sessions until the time clock sounds. Since our fetishes are so diverse and different,
you can not quantify all services across the board and binding. Prices so in each case in consultation Tell me your dirty fantasies, I’m happy to hear them and can then say what it takes to realize them.

Every god needs his Olympus, every slave his cage, every dog his hut and every sow her stable. That’s why I work with the best SM studios in Berlin in my experience to take you to the right realm. However, I feel at home in almost any ambience and am ready for action everywhere. I visit you with tools and weapons case in your fancy hotel room or in your familiar four walls. I will take you to the most despicable or most famous clubs. Accompany you from opera to sailing everywhere we have fun. Also outdoors I play well and with pleasure. And even in public I know no shame. Over the years I have become so cruelly good at making every spot in this world a part of my world.
So there is no place where you would be safe from me. Even your living room or bedroom you can experience with me times from a whole new perspective. Locally I can be found in Studio Lux, Studio Tartarus and in all sorts of playrooms in Berlin. In these locations we have tens of individual playrooms at our disposal, each one furnished with all imaginable furniture that is needed to live our culture. In addition, whole arsenals of sex toys, tenstoys, latex gear, clinic accessories, torture tools, restrictive material and all sorts of special inventions that make even my mouth water. So I have from clinic to dungeon always the place where you belong for you. In the following times a small selection of our possibilities…
So much once to give a rough insight. But everything is freely combinable. Where and how we play of course always depends on our respective preferences. The limit is set only by our imagination. But I can take action anywhere and hold all the power even without a throne. But also for the choice of the hotel you can consult me in advance and learn something about the special rooms and secret tips that are not in the guidebook.

á trOiS
á trOiS
Fancy some more? I enjoy the comparatively harmonious relationship with my colleagues and colleagues in Berlin and bring them if necessary also with pleasure. Whether it be the CoTop, thanks to which you are really stuffed everywhere and have four hands at once to stimulate you into ecstasy. Or the little sweet servant who carries out my orders on you and holds your little hand while I stand behind you. Or the lady at my side, who again intensively clarifies to you why I am the alpha being and can only laugh at you in comparison. Also the corresponding TS- or TV-sister I have in the phone book. So whatever you desire besides me or you always wanted to try, it is most likely well connected with me. And if you want to bring someone yourself, they can kneel or throne next to you. I also always like to play with couples and enrich their sex life a little.

As a specialist for sex and kink, I experience with you breathtaking bed stories. And when we are done with the practice, I also support you with conversation and expertise to the theory. Whether it’s just to talk shop among like-minded people or about questions such as: “How do I deal with my fetishes?”, “Am I actually sick?”, “How do I find contact with the scene?”, “How do I introduce my partner to my preferences?” or “What else can you do?”. If you want to talk about concerns and issues like your own shame, insecurities, societal resentment about our fetishes, or whatever is bothering you and getting in your way. The empowerment to do what you want and deserve, without letting bigotry stop you, is also something I always like to give in buckets, high doses and sustainable. I also have a lot to share in terms of applied gender theory. Male emancipation is a great honorary commitment of mine in which I like to let everyone participate and benefit. Sometimes it is not enough to just do it, but it can also be very liberating and healing to just talk about it. In this sense, I have besides sex and fetish also brain and heart to offer.
For those who want to go really deep, I work with selected sexpositive and kink-friendly sex counselors and SexulogicalBodyWorkers from Berlin. In dual sexual accompaniment we help everyone theoretically and practically to find happiness in their own sex life. But often a little chat with me can also be very inspiring. So if you want to talk besides play, we also like to talk about this and that from our worlds.

KeeP Calm!
No matter how sadistic and dominant I may play, at the bottom of my black soul I am a very caring and protective character. I have the utmost respect for every person who surrenders and submits to me. Therefore, I would never do anything to someone that he could not enjoy. A conversation at eye level I lead with everyone and who wants may also get to know the person behind the monster. Likewise, if necessary, I like to give aftercare and always have an open ear for all the worries and fears you might have.
Today I am one of the most emancipated and accomplished fetishists in Berlin, but many years ago I was also a complete beginner. I know how it is to be afraid when you try something new for the first time. I know the insecurity you can feel before a date. I’m aware of how it feels to be ashamed of your sexuality. And I’ve never forgotten what it means to be a rookie, shy or insecure. So if you have such or other worries, share them with me. I’ll take them away as best I can, so you can enjoy me with a clear head and a happy heart. And if you have never done what you are going to experience with me, it is not a problem at all. On the contrary, I like to take care of beginners, even find them very sweet and deal with you exactly as you need.
So don’t be afraid of me and relax, tell me what’s going on inside you and I’ll make sure you’re okay..

Safe, Sane &
S.S.C.: Translated, it means something like: “Safety-conscious, common sense and consensual”. The first principle for common sense and good manners in S.S.C., which distinguishes trusted persons from amateur dictators, which is also sacred to me. I also keep medical standards if necessary. Likewise, I know and master the tools and weapons I wield. Even with demanding practices, I know stests what I do.
But I also know my limits. And your limits learn to know before our game begins and true I when we play it. “Safe” also means SaferSex. Just as much as I have to guarantee my cleanliness, unclean practices are out of the question. Anyone who puts life and limb in my hands can be sure that I will ultimately handle it sensibly. I’m not going to break a toy. Everything else can be discussed.

& Legal
& Legal
My wild hustle and bustle is legally registered, approved under the Prostitution Protection Act and is properly executed. Nevertheless, absolute discretion is the top priority of my guild and is also maintained by me. You can brag about me or I will always remain your secret. Personal data I collect as little as possible and I treat confidentially.
I neither need nor like fence mentality and dubious business behavior. Therefore, you behave obligingly just as decent. You are honest, punctual, freshly showered and accept my rules and prices. I do not expect more. But I also do not accept less.
You can reach me via phone call, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Skype or Threema at 0162 83 29 814 or via Mail by: mail@lucienlafayette.top